Borrow Don’t Buy
Working to give every baby in the UK the healthiest start in life.
Every year in the UK tens of thousands of babies don’t get the start they need in life simply because of the socio-economic or ethnic background of their parents. For example, a baby born in Bradford is five and a half times more likely to die in infancy than a baby born in Tunbridge Wells and a quarter of all deaths under the age of one in the UK would be prevented if there were no child health inequalities. These inequalities are not acceptable.
Best Beginnings is a UK charity that works to reduce child health inequalities across the UK, focusing on the “window of opportunity” between preconception and a child’s second birthday where the foundations of a healthy life are laid by
– Creating innovative and evidence-based interventions for families and healthcare professionals, to ensure parents have the information and support needed to make positive choices that improve their children’s health and well-being;
– Promoting equal access to health services for families with babies by empowering people who find it difficult to access support; and,
– Increasing public awareness of the value of early intervention and health issues affecting families by working collaboratively with health professionals, other charities and policy makers.
Alison Baum, CEO of Best Beginnings