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Despite annual worldwide sales over $30 billion — one in four women feels let down by their choice of sanitary protection and as the Guardian reported in November 2017 “there has been little innovation or big thinking around periods in 80 years – since the tampon was invented”.
Callaly is a new British fem-care company disrupting the industry’s dire lack of innovation, starting with our recently launched Tampliner®, invented by our co-founder a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. Our innovation is based on decades of experience with thousands of women from many different socio-economic, religious and cultural backgrounds.
The company has successfully been granted several patent families for our new products covering over 85% of the global marketplace including the US, China, Europe, Japan, Brazil, Australia and Canada. As a certified B Corporation, part of our sales are invested in projects that improve the lives and access to healthcare for people with periods.
Chloe was an incredibly insightful and passionate expert who provided straight-forward advice and thoughts – all based on years of successful experience.
Thang Vo-Ta, CEO & Co-Founder of Callaly