Karisma Kidz
Crowd-sourced consultation. Better places. Lower risks.
Commonplace is an intuitive web-based tool for collecting people’s views on local issues.
These views are an essential part of planning in any locality, proposing a new development and knowing how people feel about their community.
Property developers, local authorities, housing associations, community groups and transport operators use Commonplace.
This data can then be viewed, analysed and exported, to be used as an evidence base and as a supplement to traditional community engagement.
Commonplace is a transparent, neutral platform that supports informed and more collaborative planning. Smart community engagement is here.
Listen to Mike explain what Commonplace do and what their plans for the future are in this short video.
Mike shares his top tip that he took from his meeting with Saul Klein.
He wanted to discuss the role of CEO’s in a company, this is what he learnt.
Mike Saunders, CEO & Co-Founder of Commonplace