We inspire compassionate conversations where they really count.
Death and dying is not often discussed and for many it is only witnessed in the world of television, cinema or video game. This lack of exposure to death leaves us even more vulnerable and unprepared for when it comes to pass. Health and Social Care professionals are then left with the difficult task of having the conversations that most of us would rather not have.
Difficult Conversations workshops provide knowledge and skills, but most importantly the confidence, to not only start these essential conversations, but to do them well.
We’ve worked with NHS and social care professionals to develop training modules that will help to have these sorts of conversations, whether that is diagnosing cancer, dementia, or death and dying.
With their experience, professionals have a duty to help patients and families plan for whatever may lie ahead. Clinicians struggle to engage patients and family into end of life care conversations. The clinicians report difficulty approaching topic of preferred place of death unless the patients / family bring it up first (BMJ 2009).
We all want the same thing – the best outcome for a patient – and that can only come when we understand their needs.
Listen to Catherine explain what Difficult Conversations does and where they’ll be in five years time, in this short video.
Catherine Millington Sanders shares her top tip that she took from her session with Ruth Chapman in this video.
Dr Catherine Millington-Sanders, Co-Founder of Difficult Conversations