The Glasshouse
Providing the very best opportunities for young people.
The Alternative School (known as TAS to most young people) was set up in May 2007 to offer a new and exciting alternative KS4 curriculum for all those young people who are not engaging with mainstream education.
This may be due to a number of different factors, but whatever the reason, we will offer every young person that we work with the chance to start again and feel included in an innovative and interesting education programme, where we aim to not only build self esteem and confidence but, actively work to improve reading, writing, understanding, Numeracy and I.C.T.
It is a totally flexible and unique programme that is tailored around the specific needs of each individual young person with every young person receiving both one to one tutoring and involvement in group work, volunteering, career development and long-term supported work placements.
We understand that some young people may have been experiencing problems at school for a number of years and we do not expect miracles overnight, neither do we expect pupils to slot into a prepared timetable. Each young person attending TAS will work to a timetable that has been designed around them. It will have been designed with their input and is 100% personal to that young person. Our aim is to change their perception of education from perhaps a negative experience to a positive one and to then build on this by providing a well-structured, tailor-made individual timetable.
Listen to Kirsty Anne explain what The Alternative School does in this short profile video.
In this video Kirsty Anne shares her top tip from the session with David Taylor, they discussed marketing and branding.
Kirsty Anne Pugh, Founder of The Alternative School