Spend Network
Every day, perfectly edible food goes to waste at cafes, restaurants and stores all over the UK.
Too Good To Go is the free app that lets you rescue this delicious, unsold food so it’s enjoyed instead of wasted.
It’s a win-win-win. You get to eat great food for a great price, and those who made the food get to see their hard work appreciated by a happy customer.
But the biggest winner of all? Our planet.
Worldwide, food waste is responsible for 8% of greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, climate experts have said that reducing food waste is one of the most important things we can do to address global warming.
After all, when food goes to landfill, it produces methane – a greenhouse gas 27 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
But even if we dispose of food sustainably, that doesn’t make it okay. Ultimately, it’s not just about the food we’re throwing away: it’s all the resources it took to produce, package, and transport that food as well – resources that our planet is under a lot of strain to provide.
By rescuing food with Too Good To Go, you’re playing an important part in making sure that great food ends up in bellies, not bins.
At Too Good To Go, we believe that sustainable decisions should be easy and fun. They should make the planet a happier place, and they shouldn’t cost the earth.
We also believe that – despite how big and complicated it is – food waste is a problem we can solve together.
Globally, a third of all food is wasted. It happens everywhere along the supply chain, thanks to an embedded mindset that frames food as a disposable commodity. To help reshape society’s attitude towards the issue, Too Good To Go is working with global manufacturers, politicians and schools, aiming to drive a movement that puts an end to the problem.
A world with no waste is a better place to be. And together, we can make it happen.
Jamie Crummie, Founder of Too Good To Go