Peppy Pals
WeFarm is ‘The internet for people with no internet’
A pioneering social enterprise, launching a peer to peer knowledge sharing platform for small-scale farmers in rural communities in Africa and Latin America. Providing a service to ask questions addressing anything from farming techniques to business ideas that can improve their lives. Access to relevant, useful information is one of the biggest challenge facing the 500 million small-scale farmers around the world. With WeFarm they can receive useful, peer-sourced answers from anywhere in the world, with the help of our team of volunteer translators, before being sent to other farmers all over the world, and it’s all available through any device, anywhere, even the most basic mobile phone.
The idea behind WeFarm was born in 2010 as an innovative communications platform to enable peer to peer knowledge sharing between this diverse group of producer partners around the world, who had a great deal of knowledge and ideas to share, but very limited access to tools that would enable this.
Developed, tested and piloted over 5 years as a project of the Cafédirect Producers’ Foundation (CPF), a UK-registered charity who works with smallholder tea, coffee and cocoa farmers and their organisations. A proof of the WeFarm concept was successfully achieved – real-time, multilingual knowledge sharing by with farmers in three countries with no access to internet (we believe this was a world first!)
Listen to Kenny explain what WeFarm does in his own words in this short profile video.
Kenny shares what he learnt from his meeting with John Hunt about getting the buy in of wealthy and influential people in this short clip.
Kenny Ewan, CEO & Founder of We Farm