Read our 2022/23 Impact Report
In our Impact report we share that we proudly hosted 73 mentoring sessions for social enterprises and charities in the past year.
The Human Lending Library MentorCloud platform fills the events gap left by Covid-19 and cuts out the awkwardness and bad wine of networking events for those wishing to connect and learn from each other.
Expert Impact is today launching a cloud-based, peer-to-peer networking space for leaders of social enterprises and charities that want to connect and seek advice from each other.
The Human Lending Library MentorCloud (HLLMC) platform is a social network for social entrepreneurs which enables users to view member profiles, exchange messages, participate in themed discussion forums and access a resource library of business tips.
An artificial intelligence element to the platform will also suggest mentors to members, based on the information they submit when registering.
“Mentoring can mean people offering advice or the benefit of their experience, acting as a sounding board or opening up their contact book,” said Kendra Walsh, Director of Expert Impact.
“After six years of connecting social entrepreneurs with business Experts through the Human Lending Library and seeing their organisations and social impact grow as a result, we know that mentoring works.”
“By providing a dedicated online space to facilitate connections and learn from each other, we hope that positive social and environmental impact will grow as members share what works.”
The HLLMC platform builds on the success of the charity’s Human Lending Library, a bespoke matching service connecting social entrepreneurs with successful business people (referred to as Experts), who act as mentors.
Operating since 2014, the Human Lending Library has seen more than 250 social entrepreneurs connect with a portfolio of 70 Experts that include the founders of leading companies across a spectrum of business sectors such as consumer products, tech, retail, marketing and finance.
Expert Impact have established the HLLMC in response to feedback from Human Lending Library meetings; 85% of participants said they wanted to meet others who’d taken part. As networking events have been cancelled as a result of the pandemic, a dedicated space to facilitate connections offered a good way to further support social entrepreneurs.
HLLMC members will also be able to take advantage of a range of perks, including discounts with recruitment agencies and free access to online training resources.
The first 40 social entrepreneurs invited to participate in the HLLMC are alumni of the Human Lending Library working in the food, health and education sectors. Following improved iterations of the platform in response to user feedback, Expert Impact hope to open up access more widely in 2021.
For now the only way to access the Human Lending Library MentorCloud is to use the Human Lending Library and become alumni! You can apply here.
Read our 2022/23 Impact Report
In our Impact report we share that we proudly hosted 73 mentoring sessions for social enterprises and charities in the past year.
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