Read more Joan Ball An expert in transition services and resilience-building, Joan works with leaders, teams and organizations to help them learn to navigate change.
Read more Preyal Dewani Preyal is passionate about all things people, culture, and change-related. She is the founder of Wildfire and is challenging the profit-driven culture and business model of traditional consulting businesses.
Read more Claire Dove CBE Claire Dove CBE has been an exceptional social enterprise leader for over 40 years. She was chair of Social Enterprise UK (SEUK). In 2018, Claire was appointed as the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Crown Representative. In this role, Claire acts as an intermediary between the Government and the voluntary and social enterprise sectors.
Read more Chris Gourlay As the founder of crowdfunding platform Spacehive, Chris can advise on investment and local partnerships, as well as online messaging and digital presence.
Read more Bill Mew A passionate campaigner for digital privacy and ethics, Bill is also CEO of The Crisis Team, experts in incident response, cyber law, reputation management and social influence.